
'Products for the caring gardener'

Empathy products are biological, they will benefit your plants not just over a few months but throughout their lifetime and are designed to treat the soil as well as the plant. In keeping with the core values of the empathy brand, After Plant feeds are formulated to reduce chemical use in gardening by increasing the natural biology in roots, soils and substrates. The pioneering products are highly effective, environmentally friendly and easy to use.

Always apply empathy RootGrowTM mycorrhizal fungi directly to the roots when planting.

After Plant granular feeds are natural bioactive fertilisers specifcally formulted to care for their target group of plants. Thye contain a top-up to the mycorrhizal fungi while encouraging and supporting benficial soil bacteria. Seaweed extracts supply plant growth hormones to stimulate growth and root development, while Alfalfa provides a natural source of plant derived nitrogen to support the development of healthy foliage. The added biostimulant is rich in essential amino acids and trace elements, further supporting strong growth and root development whilst offereing a food source for beneficial micro-organisms, creating a healthy soil in which your plants can thrive.

After Plant liquid feeds can be used to stimulate and enhance the effects of the fungi, which provide natural, lifelong benefits.

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The empathy range by Plantworks ltd is one of our favourite brands at The Gardens Group. In keeping with the core values of the empathy brand, After Plant granular and liquid feeds are formulated to reduce chemical use in gardening by increasing the natural biology in roots, soils and substrates. The pioneering products are highly effective, environmentally friendly and easy to use.