Continue shopping Houseplant Focus 1L Price £ 11.75 Short description Houseplant Focus is an easy-to-use, balanced liquid feed formulated to suit all of your indoor plants for healthy growth and flowering. Quantity Choose a size Houseplant Focus 300ml £ 5.25 Houseplant Focus 1L £ 11.75 Stock In stock Free delivery within 25 miles of any of our garden centresDelivery within 3 working days (Mon-Fri)Free expert advice on all things gardening Houseplant Focus 1L Price £ 11.75 Short description Houseplant Focus is an easy-to-use, balanced liquid feed formulated to suit all of your indoor plants for healthy growth and flowering. Quantity Choose a size Houseplant Focus 300ml£ 5 . 25 Houseplant Focus 1L£ 11 . 75 Stock In stock Free delivery within 25 miles of any of our garden centresDelivery within 3 working days (Mon-Fri)Free expert advice on all things gardening Houseplant Focus 1L Price £ 11.75 DescriptionSpecifications Mix 5ml of feed with 1L of clean water during watering, or 5ml of feed with 2L of water for seedlings and young plants Contain Humic and Pulvic Acids, which promote root density and soil quality EAN code 5025644910954 Brand Growth Technology You might also be interested in Citrus Focus OrganicOptions from £ 5.25More infoOrder now Organic Focus Leaf Shine 400ml £ 10.25More infoOrder now Orchid Focus Bloom £ 6.25More infoOrder now Cacti & Succulent Focus £ 5.25More infoOrder now